Renewable CHI

Traditional energy companies extract millions of dollars from cities every month. Now imagine that money flowing back in to benefit everyone’s health and wellbeing. This is the mission of Renewable CHI.

We partner with cities, communities, and stakeholders to enhance economic development efforts. We support our partners in achieving their 2030 and 2050 energy goals using revolutionary solar tech invented by Dr. Reginald Parker at Optimal Technology Corporation. Black American made and manufactured, these panels achieve 43% efficiency by using both visible light and infrared radiation to generate electricity at twice the efficiency and in two-thirds the space. They also cost 15% less to build than other panels on the market. 

The Renewable CHI and Optimal Technology Corporation partnership marks the beginning of a new paradigm of Regenerative Economic Development. Paired with the latest in battery technology and a heart-centered mission to improve all lives, we are able to offer unprecedented energy solutions that lower costs, power cities, and empower people. Our holistic approach to solving problems at the root uniquely positions communities with resources to address the food, housing, healthcare, and climate crises simultaneously.

Renewable CHI, working in tandem with Adaptive CHI, Revitalize CHI, and Develop CHI, will be the world's first energy company to re-invest its profits back into the community, funding housing, holistic wellness centers, sustainable food systems, and subsidizing their access. This feedback loop of health impacts improves the social determinants of health for everyone and can revitalize entire regions. Our Community Health Infrastructure model for Regenerative Economic Development turns an extractive economy into a regenerative one, creating jobs, increasing health and education, and future-proofing cities for generations to come.